Notts CCC 2004-24
I have been involved in screening Nottinghamshire county cricket club cricketers and staff from 2004 to 2024. Each year at the start of the season and occasionally at the end, I screen the cricketers from head to toe for any signs of sun damage and to pick up any problems before they arise. This is essentially like a “mole check” for those who have lots of moles. Its also an opportunity to discuss sun protection with the use of broad brimmed hats and regular sunscreens and what to look out for in case they develop any new lesions.
Notts CCC captain Steven Mullaney 2018-2023 |
James Taylor |
Riki Wessels |
Ryan Sidebottom |
Graeme Swann |
Additionally I have written articles on the prevention of skin cancer and sun protection in Golf Monthly July 2007 and in Ballsmania.
This was the article used by the Nottinghamshire sports publication Ballsmania 2008, issue 80 page 7
Skin cancer awareness for sportsmen and sportswomen
Everyone looks forward to a bit of sunshine in the summer. However there is increasing concern about the harmful effects of overexposure to the sun. Sunburn can increase your risk of skin cancer and day to day sun exposure can lead to premature ageing, precancerous lesions and skin cancer later on in life.
Sportsmen and women need to know that if they develop a new mole that changes rapidly or an old moles that changes in size or shape or colour that they should see their GP or ask for a referral to a dermatologist to make sure they don’t have a malignant melanoma. If a mole is ABCDE – Asymmetrical, irregular Borders, different Colours with a Diameter over 7mm and Enlarging then consider seeing your GP. A non-healing sore spot that bleeds, scabs then bleeds again without healing after a while may be a basal cell carcinoma (BCC). A quickly growing lump may be a sqaumous cell carcinoma (SCC). If you notice scaly, crusty or flaky skin on the back of the hands or face or bald scalp, then these could be solar keratoses, which are precancerous and can develop into skin cancer.
If a skin cancer is diagnosed, the sooner it is cut out, the better the chances of cure. There are now several methods of treating skin cancer that don’t necessarily involve surgery. The key message is to get diagnosed early and to try to prevent problems by covering up in the sun with the use of a broad brimmed hat, long sleeve clothing and loose fitting trousers. Applying high factor sunscreen SPF 30-50 frequently and regularly will also help.
(This appears as an article in the Nottinghamshire sports publication Ballsmania 2008, issue 80 page 7)
Skin cancer
Skin cancer is the no.1 cancer of fair skinned populations
The number of recorded cases of non melanoma skin cancer in the UK in 2001 = 62,700 (Ref . 1)
The true annual incidence could be over 125,000 new cases annually in England and Wales (Ref. 2)
It is a massive and growing public health problem not just in the UK but worldwide in populations of fair skinned individuals
Skin cancer is an all-encompassing term for over 30 types of skin cancer. However almost all skin cancer (>95%) fall into the 3 following types
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Basal cell carcinoma = BCC |
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Squamous cell carcinoma = SCC |
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Malignant melanoma = MM |
BCC & SCC are often synonymous with NMSC – non melanoma skin cancer, although any skin cancer that is not a melanoma is a NMSC
the vast majority of skin cancers are BCC (approx 80%)
Malignant melanoma can be fatal and claims approx 1700 lives in the UK per year
Squamous cell carcinoma can be fatal
Basal cell carcinoma is rarely fatal as it only rarely (almost never) spreads to other parts of the body
The percentage of people with BCC and SCC who develop a second BCC or SCC within 3 year period = 44% and 18% (ref.3.)
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Diffey BL, Langtry JA Skin cancer incidence and the ageing population. Brit J Dermatol 2005; 153:679-80 |
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(National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellenc. Guidelines for Improving Outcomes for People with Skin tumours including Melanoma 2006;14) |
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Marcil I, Stern RS. Risk of developing a subsequent non-melanoma skin cancer in patients with a history of non-melanoma skin cancer – a critical review of the literature and meta-analysis. Arch Dermatol 2000; 136: 1524-30 |